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Nabokov the Lionhead Rabbit

Pet of the Week for January 25, 2025

Nabokov is one of four abandoned lionhead rabbits FAAS has been caring for. They’re all named after Russian authors, and they do look a bit erudite with their long tufts of fur in authorial places.

Alameda Post - Nabokov the bunny
Photo FAAS.

Pushkin and Gogol have been adopted, leaving Nabokov and Tolstoy. (More might be adopted by now, so if you go to FAAS just ask for the Russian authors and they’ll know what you mean.) This cutie is waiting for YOU.

Adopt an Angora rabbit!

If you have bad memories of a grueling Russian literature course in college, you might want to change their names if you adopt one. Otherwise, you could have a theme for the author-bunny you choose.

Let’s say you adopt Nabokov (who was actually Russian-American). You could have a little shelf (out of reach of him of course) with books like Lolita and Pale Fire. Your friends will wonder how your rabbit came to be so brilliant!

Alameda Post - Navokov the bunny
Photos FAAS.

Nabokov is not as outgoing as some of the others, but he is curious about people and willing to investigate if you sit down beside him and offer some hay – his favorite food. He loves being petted.

You can meet Nabokov Wednesday through Sunday from 11 am to 4 pm at the Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter’s South Shore Adoption Center, 2228 South Shore, Alameda.

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