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AC Transit Launches New Real-Time Prediction Engine

Where’s my bus? Keep track with ACT RealTime

If you’re waiting at a bus stop and need to know when your ride is going to arrive, the answer is as close as your phone. Get accurate, up-to-date predictions for every line at every stop on the AC Transit Mobile app or on the web at ACT Real Time.

Alameda Post - the logo for AC Transit's app
Image AC Transit.

AC Transit has now launched a new and improved prediction engine to enhance real-time bus arrival information. This upgrade will boost prediction accuracy by about 20% across web-based tools, the AC Transit Official App, third-party GTFS-based apps, websites such as Google Maps and Transit App, and information available by calling our Customer Service Center.

Alameda Post - a graphic of a person waiting at a bus stop and looking at their phone. The phone screen is magnified to show predictions for bus arrival times.
Image AC Transit.

Existing digital signs and audio information at stops will not use the new prediction engine, so they may show different predictions. AC Transit is currently evaluating options for upgrading or replacing those signs.

In addition to accurate real-time bus arrival predictions, the AC Transit Mobile app provides fare payment options, feedback, lost and found information, and more.

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