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Cusco Could Use a Soft Landing

Pet of the Week for December 14, 2024

Alameda Post - Cusco the adoptable dog
Photos FAAS.

If Cusco could put out an ad for the perfect home, here’s what the 1-year-old sweetie would write:

I’m a painfully shy guy seeking a loving home where people will understand that I’d rather run than meet new folks. But if you give me a chance, I will stop bolting and warm up and love you and cuddle with you and be such a great dog that you will forget I was ever so skittish. Just look at the pics of me all wrapped up in the pink blankie and being affectionate.

If you have a biggish, friendly dog, that would really make my day. I like snuggling with dogs. They give me the confidence to be comfortable in my own skin. Please come see me at FAAS, 1590 Fortmann Way, Alameda, Wednesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. And if you have a decent chappy of a dog, please bring him/her with you so we can meet.

Adopt Cusco!

Cusco recently spent some time in a foster home and received glowing reviews. Here is a bit of what they had to say about him:

‘We got to have Cusco stay with us for a week, and he’s such a sweet boy! During the day, he liked to play with our other dog, and they ripped up a few toys together. In the evenings, he loved to cuddle on the couch and with our other dog if she would join us. At night, he slept in his crate, and we didn’t hear a peep!”

Such a good boy.

Alameda Post - Cusco the dog snuggles with his friend
Photos FAAS.

“He warmed up to me really quickly but was still a little frightened of my husband. Our dog gets jealous, and he was very easygoing with her and would cuddle with my husband if he couldn’t cuddle with me. Any loud sounds in the house would send him running, but he didn’t have any issues on our walks. We wish we were in the position to have a second dog because he’s going to be such a great family member when he finds his people. He will take a little bit to feel comfortable, but it’s worth the effort!”

Bonus: FAAS’s free canine behavior training classes come with Cusco’s adoption, and will help him reach his full potential.

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