Pets of the Week for December 21, 2024
FAAS recently experienced a Christmas miracle when beloved Buster Brown was adopted after being in the care of FAAS for a year and a half. The staff had gone all out to show what a great boy he is during a social media campaign to “Get Buster Brown a Forever Home for the Holidays” and it worked!

A local couple saw him, and fell in love, and he’s living a beautiful life now. Check out his incredibly heartwarming story, “Dreams Really Do Come True” on FAAS’s new blog, Tails of the Island.
His story might provide inspiration for today’s Pets of the Week. We’re featuring two dogs—Carter and Redvine—because FAAS has two more long-term shelter residents we’re hoping can follow in Buster Brown’s paw steps if enough word about them gets out to the public.

First we have 3-year-old Carter. If you like beagles, but wish they were taller, he may be the dog of your dreams. FAAS Animal Care Director Amanda McNair says he’s “so smart, really great, and staff and volunteers love him.”
As with regular short beagles, Carter is an energetic, curious dog. He’s going to need a household that keeps him really well exercised. He’s a great hiking and running companion, loves playing and roughhousing with other dogs, and adores people.
Once he’s well exercised, he has a good “off” switch and enjoys being a more mellow household member. He’s actually a top-rate chiller who loves to kick back and enjoy the feel of cool grass on his body as he sniffs the scenery—or maybe the feel of a dog bed under him as he gazes lovingly at his new adoptive family.
If you like to hike or jog or run, and don’t have young kids (Carter’s energy might bowl them over), and would love a sweet guy who will be your bestie through thick and thin, he could be your forever friend.
Oh, and did we mention, he loves balls? This boy loves all toys, especially the round ones. Give him a ball of any size and some space to run, and you’ve made his day! He’ll be easy to buy holiday gifts for!

Carter’s shelter mate is sweet, smart, curious Redvine, also a highly adoptable dog. The 5-year-old also has legions of fans, including FAAS’s McNair. After taking him out and about for a while, she says, “He’s the perfect companion for a public outing! Very well-behaved in the car. He enjoyed looking out the windows. He was confident and calm, happy to meet lots of new people, but at the same time not overeager or obnoxious. He was friendly with all the dogs he met, too.”
He also has very good manners, McNair adds.
“He is playful but also listened well when it was time to say goodbye. We had lunch and he was polite while we ate. Overall, Redvine is the perfect companion. He easily adapts to new environments, is friendly with new people and dogs. He is outgoing but can also chill and relax.”
Redvine was lucky enough to be in foster care for a while, and his foster family raves about him. In their words: “Redvine is a sweet, curious, smart little dude who can be a couch potato or a running companion. He is such a sweetheart to have around. He likes to cuddle, sit on your lap, and loves the couch. He’s crate-trained incredibly well and will voluntarily nap in there during the day. He will follow you around the house and keep an eye on everything you do—we call him our little TSA agent.”
He also has good manners, and he loves to play, his foster family says. “He doesn’t chew things up and knows what toys are his. He loves to play ball and tear apart his chew toys. He’s also able to hang out and play by himself. He knows sit, lay, stay, and no. He’s very interested in other dogs. He can get excited when meeting new people with jumps but never mouthy.”
Because of his tendency to jump up, FAAS suggests a family without young children, but remember, whoever adopts FAAS animals gets up to $200 worth of training, so you might be able to help him learn to stay with four on the floor in no time!
If you’d like to have a new dog by the holidays, or start 2025 with a beautiful bestie who will be happy to be at your side for whatever life has in store, you can visit Carter and Redvine from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday, at the FAAS main shelter, 1590 Fortmann Way. (Please note, FAAS is closed to the public on Christmas and New Year’s Day.)