Advent: 25 Days of Treats
Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, I can focus on the time I refer to as the “holiDAZE season,” since it seems like it goes on for such a long time. It starts before Halloween and extends into late January with all the clearance sales. This year, I plan to ease my way into all the pomp and circumstance attached to this season—with one exception, and that is the tradition of Advent and its associated calendar of treats.
The Advent Calendar comes from the German word Adventskalender and was first used by German Lutherans in the 19th and 20th century to count the days leading up to Christmas, beginning on December 1. At my house, the first of December marks the day of my HC’s (Human Companion’s) annual pilgrimage to Trader Joe’s to pick up this year’s advent calendar for dogs. It features different shaped salmon and sweet potato treats for each day in December leading up to the 25th. (Editor’s note: Don’t tell Mouf, but TJs sells an advent calendar for cats, too.)
Alameda’s street trees continue to put on quite the multimedia show involving an assortment of colors, shapes, and textures. The recent unseasonably sunny days have magnified the beauty of the show.
I took the opportunity to leave my mark on the sidewalk… NO! Not that way. LOL!
This week, tree crews have been out removing dead branches and trimming back the summer growth of the street trees. I noticed some odd pruning techniques, so I took the opportunity to get more into. Apparently, the street trees that grow under high voltage lines need to have their limbs trimmed to maintain enough clearance to avoid touching the lines and starting a fire or damaging lines when the wind blows.
On a curious note, the rogue tomato plant that spontaneously started growing in the planting strip in front of my house this spring is still going strong even though it’s December. My HC had a delicious tomato salad with a light pear white balsamic dressing. I even got a bite, and it was delicious.
I know that some of you are very interested in how the renovation of the big Victorian-era house over on Central Avenue is going. I have been keeping my eye on the curved turret section of the house and whether the contractors were going to use the same siding on the curved section as the rest. This type of installation can be tricky, and I am happy to report that the curved siding has been successfully installed.
Now on to those holiDAZE. This past week, I saw a lot of Alamedans stringing lights, patching inflatables, and putting out their holiday decorations. PSA: Remember the top of the ladder is NOT A STEP.
Before I start featuring the big stuff and make it over to Alameda’s Christmas Tree Lane (Thompson Avenue), I will ease into my holiday reports with some of the more understated items I found on Alameda streets.
In closing out my report this week, I am going to turn the tables on all the Christmas displays that went up before Halloween and Thanksgiving, and instead, I am bringing you a video of the grand fall display created by Dr. Charlotte Tlachac.
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Feel free to share your pictures, especially if they contain canines or other pets celebrating.
Happy HoliDAZE!
Mouf, Roving Reporter
Bear’s-Eye View of Alameda
Mouf and his human companion can be reached via [email protected]. Their stories are collected at All photos and videos by Jeff Cambra.