2024 Year in Review
I believe that the best way to introduce this less-than-timely yearly review of 2024 is with the phrase “Better late than never.” (Editor’s Note: Check out the Alameda Post’s year in review here!) Between The Big Day Report, Remembrance, and Christmas by the Numbers reports, this is the first opportunity for me to go back over all my 2024 reports to pick out the highlights.
In January, I was honored to appear on the cover of the Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter’s Pet Guide. This publication was sent out to all Alameda residents and proved to be the definitive source of all things pet-related, including everything from a list of pet-friendly restaurants to what should go in a pet “Go Bag.”
February was the month I celebrated my “Gotcha Day” and the anniversary of being hired as the roving reporter for the Bear’s-Eye View column at the Alameda Post. I got a deluxe hamburger dinner complete with French Fries.
March is one of my favorite months because it is the time that the Girl Scouts offer their delicious cookies. Thin Mint cookies are my human companion’s (HC) favorite, and according to my HC, they are also vegan. In this month, I checked out my culinary heritage at Speisekammer Restaurant and Bar. They even had a special canine menu.
April saw the official start of the Great Deck Project, which also involved pouring a concrete slab and getting a humongous commercial range out of the kitchen. By August, I was catching some morning rays.
Although most of the demolition work started earlier in the year, May saw the beginning of the renovation of the original AT&T building. The project is ongoing but should finish up soon.
June was Pride month, and I brought rainbow decorated stuffed animals to the shelter. June was also a time of discovery for me in the sense that I had my first Puppuccino.
When it comes to big holiday celebrations, nobody does it better than the City of Alameda on the Fourth of July, which has the longest parade on the West Coast. I was there to meet my fellow Alameda Post contributors and staff. Fortunately, there were no squirrels! Also, the Woodstock Water Shuttle from Alameda to Oakland started service, transporting enthusiastic Alameda residents. Unfortunately, I had to stay home because I could not fit into a pet carrier, which is one of the rules.
I received some very concerning news in August, when FAAS put out the emergency call for help after assisting the Alameda Police Department to rescue over 40 furry felines from a cat hoarding house. As a huge supporter of FAAS’s mission, and having experienced life in the shelter, I knew that it would take weeks to get enough food and water bowls, towels, and litter boxes. The shelter needed the supplies right then! I was able to get a bunch of essential supplies over to the shelter. Correction—there were so many boxes of goods, there was no place for me, so my Human Companion (HC) stepped in as my delivery person.
I thought that September was usually the time folks interested in running for office start their campaigns. Being a civic-minded canine, and an excellent runner, I decided to run for mayor. Unfortunately, I learned that I was late to the game and that the mayor’s position on the City Council was not part of the election. Keep an eye on this site for an announcement in early 2026.
I really like the month of October because Halloween is in it, and Alamedans do a bang-up job of decorating their yards. Check out one of my videos on the many yard decorations. It also allows me to dress up and have an alter ego. This year, I was Sherlock Bones with my human companion as HC Watson. It also marks the beginning of the “holiDAZE” season.
November was full of pumpkin spice treats and once again provided the opportunity to express my gratitude to FAAS by assembling a “Pound Posse” that delivered a stuffed toy and some yummy treats.
It seems like it was just last month that I was planning the most wonderful Canine Christmas Celebration for the pooches who spent Christmas in the shelter. Actually, now that I think about it, it actually was last month.
In any event, I went all out for my furry friends and stuffed special Christmas stockings with an assortment of high value treats and a very cute squirrel that everyone could rip to shreds.
Wow! In retrospect, it was one heck of a year. I am looking at 2025 with great optimism and excited about continuing in my role as Roving Reporter for the Bear’s-Eye View column.
Wishing all of you a great 2025.
Mouf, Roving Reporter
Bear’s-Eye View of Alameda
Mouf and his human companion can be reached via [email protected]. Their stories are collected at AlamedaPost.com/Jeff-Cambra/. All photos and videos by Jeff Cambra.