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AUSD Board Votes to Place Parcel Tax Renewal on Ballot

Board also elects new Vice President, continues Wood construction process

Agendas for Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) Board of Education meetings have been chock full of newsworthy items over the last several weeks.

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Parcel tax up for renewal

First, at its November 14 public meeting, the Board of Education voted unanimously to place a renewal parcel tax measure on the March 5, 2024 primary ballot. The new measure is designed to combine, replace, and renew Measures B1 and A.

If the measure passes, property owners will continue to pay the same amount in taxes as they currently pay, and the taxes will continue to help AUSD maintain quality schools by sustaining strong academic programs; attracting and retaining high-quality teachers by keeping salaries competitive; supporting teachers and counselors in keeping struggling students on the right track; protecting visual and performing arts, as well as high school sports; and maintaining a thriving network of neighborhood schools.

For more information, please see the AUSD Parcel Tax Program web page.

AUSD Board updates

Also at the November 14 meeting, AUSD trustees elected Board Member Jennifer Williams to replace former Vice President Megan Sweet, who resigned in late October. In accordance with board policy, Vice President Williams will rotate into the position of Board President at the annual governance meeting on December 12.

The AUSD board is taking applications for another board member to serve for the remainder of Sweet’s term, which will end late November, 2024.  More information and application for the position is available at the Board Vacancy Process pages on the AUSD website. Applications may be submitted through December 5 at 5 p.m.; applicants will be interviewed at a public board meeting later in the month.

California Environmental Quality Act at Wood

In other news, AUSD has been engaged in a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) “Mitigated Negative Declaration” process the modernization and construction project at Wood Middle School campus since September. That CEQA process includes an environmental review, traffic study, and a cultural resources assessment.

The CEQA process also includes a 30-day public review period during which community members, public agencies, and other organizations can review and provide comments specifically on the environmental aspects of the project. That comment period will be open through December 3. The full “Initial Study and Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration” (IS/MND), as well as details and schematic designs for the new construction, is available on the AUSD Wood Middle School Construction web page.

Stay caught up with AUSD

The AUSD Board of Education now holds its meetings both in-person and via Zoom. You can find the agendas for upcoming meetings, as well as minutes and videos of past meetings, on their Agendas & Minutes web page.

Susan Davis is the Senior Manager of Community Affairs for the Alameda Unified School District. Reach her at [email protected].

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