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Inner Harbor Pipeline Project Continues

Alameda pipeline installation started on Sherman Street at Lincoln Avenue

Alameda Post - EBMUD construction workers at Pacific Avenue and Sherman Street
EBMUD workers have begun installing new pipelines along Sherman Street between Lincoln Avenue and Buena Vista Avenue. Photo Adam Gillitt.

East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) contractors are now installing 24-inch steel pipelines in Alameda to connect the new crossing to existing transmission mains, improve the hydraulic connectivity between Alameda and Oakland, and ensure reliable water to the island.

Crews will saw-cut the street, dig a trench, install the pipes, backfill the trench, and install temporary paving on the road. Work begins on Sherman Street and moves towards Marina Village Parkway, and will be done one or two blocks at a time. It will take approximately eight months to complete.

What to expect

Construction of the open-trench pipeline installation began on Sherman Street at Lincoln Avenue. It will continue onto Atlantic Avenue from Sherman Street to Challenger Drive, and then onto Challenger Drive from Atlantic Avenue to Marina Village Parkway. The final stretch will be installed on Marina Village Parkway from Challenger Drive to Tynan Avenue.

Work will be done one to two blocks at a time and is expected to take approximately eight months to complete. Residents should expect construction-related noise, dust, and reduced street parking. No Parking signs will be posted before work begins on any block.

Work schedule

Alameda Post - a diagram map of the Oakland Inner Harbor Pipeline, included dotted lines from Alameda to Oakland with the proposed types of pipeline to lay. The pipeline goes through the harbor and is in addition to existing pipeline.
The Oakland Inner Harbor Pipeline Crossing and impacted roads in Alameda for pipeline construction. Image EBMUD.

The work is set to last from now through December 2023, and is scheduled on Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Typical work hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The work schedule is based on weather permitting and is subject to change.

Traffic impacts

Residents should anticipate reduced access along the construction route during scheduled work hours. Road closures are scheduled for approximately two to three weeks in May at the intersection of Sherman Street and Buena Vista Avenue, and on Sherman Street from Buena Vista Avenue to Eagle Avenue. These road closures could affect Bus Line 19.

For more information on the project and overall schedule, visit EBMUD’s Oakland Inner Harbor Pipeline Crossing web page. If you have any questions, call EBMUD Community Affairs at 510-287‐0544 or email [email protected]. Outside of normal business hours, call 1-866-403-2683.

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