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Grand Street Safety Improvements Community Workshop

Few Alamedans would object to the City fixing potholes and doing some serious pavement rehab on Grand Street, one of our main thoroughfares across the island. Still, most of us do have opinions and ideas about how it should be done—and that’s exactly what the City wants to hear at its Community Workshop on Wednesday, May 31, 6 to 8 p.m. at the Mastick Senior Center Social Hall, 1155 Santa Clara Ave.

City staff will present new design alternatives and phasing options to improve safety on the entire Grand Street corridor from Shore Line Drive all the way to Clement Avenue. A short staff presentation on the proposed Grand Street Pavement Resurfacing and Safety Improvements will be followed by an open house with snacks and a children’s coloring table.

Alameda Post - the flyer for the Grand Street Community Workshop. Read on for details

Pavement, safety improvements are high priority

The City has identified the Grand Street corridor as a high priority for pavement improvements. The pavement rehabilitation project will be designed to provide better maintained streets with fewer potholes, improved ride quality, pavement that is eligible for less costly preservation in future, updated striping and signage, and improved curb ramps, curbs and gutters.

The planned project also recommends safety improvements such as high visibility crosswalks, flashing beacons for pedestrians at Wood School and at the intersections of Grand Street/San Antonio Avenue and Grand/San Jose Avenue, separated bike lanes, enhanced bus stops by Shore Line Drive and Wood School, and narrower travel lanes to encourage slower vehicle speeds. On-street parking would be reduced to implement safety features such as bus islands, separated bike lanes, and high visibility crosswalks.

Project goals

The City’s stated goals for the Grand Street Pavement Resurfacing and Safety Improvements project are to:

  • Improve Alameda’s pavement condition to improve street operations and user experience, and to reduce future maintenance costs.
  • Promote safety by prioritizing Vision Zero, which the City Council approved as a policy in 2019 to reduce traffic deaths and severe injuries to zero.
  • Improve mobility for all modes, including AC Transit buses.
  • Comply with existing plans and policies, including the City’s General Plan and Active Transportation Plan.

Future feedback opportunities

More changes to provide input will be available at a Virtual Open House on June 13 and a Transportation Commission special meeting on June 21 at City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Ave. Call 510-747-7442 or email [email protected] for details.

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