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Free AUSD ‘Cash for College’ Workshop

Could you use a $12,570 annual grant for college? Learn everything you need to apply for a Cal Grant and other scholarships at a free “Cash for College” workshop presented by Alameda Unified School District on February 8, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Ballena Ballroom at the District Office, 2060 Challenger Drive.

Alameda Post - the poster for Cash for College. Please continue reading. All directions are contained in the body of this article. For more info, contact Vernon Walton 510-337-7000 extension 7906. Or call Devan McFadden 510-294-9200.
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The Cal Grant is for students who will be attending Universities of California, California State Universities or California Community Colleges, or qualifying independent and career colleges or technical schools in California. It is an annual payment that does not need to be paid back.

But timing is everything. To apply for a Cal Grant, students must have at least a 2.0 Grade Point Average and must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application by March 2.  by the deadline and meet all eligibility, financial, and minimum GPA requirements of either program. Grants are for students attending Universities of California, California State Universities or California Community Colleges, or qualifying independent and career colleges or technical schools in California.

The free “Cash for College” workshop will provide all the information you need and will help you fill out the FAFSA. In order to complete the FAFSA application, you will need:

  • Student and parent Social Security numbers (and Alien Registration numbers if you are not a U.S. citizen). If you don’t have either, you may be eligible for a California Dream Act scholarship.
  • Your family’s 2021 Federal Tax forms (1040, W-2, etc.). You won’t have to show it to anyone but you will need the information to complete the FAFSA form. If your family doesn’t file taxes or receives public assistance, bring those statements for reference.

Once you have completed the FAFSA form, you will need to complete a Cal Grant GPA release form for your counselor right away. After your FAFSA has been filed, you can go to the California Student Aid Commission’s WebGrants4Students website and create an account that will allow you to check the status of your Cal Grant application.

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