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California Business Investment Guide Available Online

The 2023 California Business Investment Guide, recently published by the Governor’s Office of Business & Economic Development (GO-Biz), features a comprehensive list of state incentive programs to help California businesses identify and use existing state funding resources for recovery and success.

Alameda Post - the logo for the California Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development. They recently published the Business Investment GuideGO-Biz serves as California’s single point of contact for business, economic development, and job creation efforts. The long list of incentives includes a wide range of assistance with business development and support, employment and workforce, equipment and machinery, financing and start-up support, and power and utilities.

Every individual program is hyperlinked, so users can simply click to learn more information. For example, the first incentive program listed under Business Development and Business Support is the California Competes Tax Credit (CCTC) program. That listing links directly to the CCTC website, where the opening page shows current information and deadlines, a schedule of webinars for those who want to learn more, a list of helpful resources (in Spanish and English), and contact links.

An infographic of GO Biz services. It includes Tailored Site Selection, International Affairs & Trade Support, Incentive & Program Navigation, Zero Emission Vehicle Market Assistance, Energy & Utility Assistance, Permit and Regulatory Assistance, Small Business Assistance, and California Competes Technical Assistance

GO-Biz has had a major impact, with milestones such as $31.6 billion in new investments awarded by the California Competes Tax Credit, $17.9 billion in direct in-state spending by film and TV tax credit recipients, and 18,691 small business jobs created or retained with help from IBank loan guarantees.

See the 2023 California Business Investment Guide online. To find more information about GO-Biz programs, visit the GO-Biz website and sign up online to receive the GO-Biz newsletter.

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