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Math Puzzle for March 8, 2024

Innumeracy need not be a badge of honor: Options for sidestepping math and critical thinking

Alameda Post - a circle inscribed in a right triangle. An altitude H is drawn, to the hypotenuse, within the right triangle. The hypotenuse is divided into A and B

A circle is inscribed within a right triangle.
An altitude H is drawn, to the hypotenuse, within the right triangle.
The altitude H divides the hypotenuse into segments A and B.
Segment A has a length of:  3x + 13
Segment B has a length of:  13x + 4
Altitude H has a length of:  7x + 1

Find the Area of the inscribed circle. Area = _________ square units

First correct answer sent to [email protected] wins a gift card worth much ice cream at Tucker’s Ice Cream of Alameda.

Last week’s winner was Matt Blive, who correctly cyphered: A = 5541.77 square units.

Jeff Smith is a former Math teacher and a retired US Navy Lieutenant Commander. Reach him at [email protected].

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