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Exploring Alameda Parks: Shoreline Park, Part 1

Bear’s-Eye View of Alameda for May 7, 2023

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for May 7, 2023 – panoramic view

Starting this week, I am going to do an in-depth survey of the parks of Alameda. According to the City’s website, “Alameda is proud to be home to over 24 parks and facilities for all to enjoy.” You can see the complete list at the Recreation and Parks Department website.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for May 7, 2023 – Map of Bay Farm Island showing Shoreline Park

This week, I headed over to Shoreline Park located at the very end of Mecartney Road. If you go to the City’s website, it gives the address of 198 Packet Landing Road, which is not where I went. The park wraps around from Packet Landing and follows the Bay Trail to the Mecartney location. I included in this report for the exact location I visited, which was Picnic Area #3.

Next week, I will cover the trail and Picnic Areas #1 & #2—assuming there are no other dogs around. It was hard enough dealing with the squirrels at area #3.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for May 7, 2023 – Sunset on Shoreline Park

Like areas #2 and #3, the Mecartney location has a great view of the San Francisco skyline, especially at sunset, and expands on this spectacular panoramic Bay view to include the peninsula.

A2 Airplane take off

If you are into jets, there’s one taking off about every 15 – 20 minutes from the Oakland Airport. I am still amazed how something that heavy can stay in the air.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for May 7, 2023 – people walking

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for May 7, 2023 – a parked bicycle with a trailer for kids

The park is a hub of neighborhood activity, and on any given day you can see power walkers and joggers of all ages cruising along the trail. On the weekends, you can find families playing with the kids and taking advantage of the picnic tables and barbecues.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for May 7, 2023 – dedication plaques

There are several dedication plaques on the picnic tables and seating around the area. I found plaques for Karen Bell and Jann H. Kalbaugh and took a minute to wonder about who these women were and to thank the folks that provided these facilities in memory for all to enjoy.

This park in particular is really pleasant in the morning, but you should plan on experiencing wind related events—like your sandwich being blown onto the dirt—starting in the early afternoon. Forget about napkins—just use your sleeve.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for May 7, 2023 – tufts of grass

You can get a clue as to the consistency of the wind by checking out the vegetation, especially the trees. On the afternoon I was there, I watched the wind whip the grasses back and forth.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for May 7, 2023 – Squirrel!

The other downside for some of us is the presence of squirrels. OMG! They were all along the raised shoreline trail. They feed on the grasses along the trail and then dart back into the rocks if they feel threatened.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for May 7, 2023 – Bay Farm Island ferry terminal at sunset

This park is located right next to the Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal, so there is plenty of parking on the weekends. During the week there is adequate street parking along Adelphian Way.

The weather towards the end of next week is supposed to be in the 70s or warmer. That will be a great time to explore Shoreline Park. Oh, in case you missed it, yes there were people swimming in the Bay in that panorama of the bay view. Did you find them? (Try tapping on the photo to make it bigger!)

Hope to see you along the Bay Trail or in one of the three picnic areas that make up the Shoreline Park complex this coming week.

Bear's paws

Mouf, Roving Reporter
Bear’s-Eye View of Alameda

Mouf and his human companion can be reached via [email protected]. Their stories are collected at All photos by Jeff Cambra.

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