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DANGER & the Last Girl Scout Cookie

Bear’s-Eye View of Alameda

Alameda Post - Danger of foxtails

With the arrival of spring, I want to be sure that all of you human companions are aware of fox tails and how they can actually threaten our lives. These little barbed seeds can work their way under the skin of a paw and travel up our limbs or get sniffed into our nasal passages.

The biggest danger is infection but trying to remove one can require major surgery. They are no laughing matter, and I have heard of dogs dying from them. Please be very careful when sniffing around a patch of weeds.

Alameda Post - Girl Scout cookies

Jeff finally got down to the last three cookies from the last of ten boxes of Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies. He is now going through withdrawal, and I am administering peanut M & Ms to help with the symptoms.

Alameda Post - Rose Alameda Post - Metal dog sculpture Alameda Post - rock arrangement

There were some beautiful things to see this week on the street, ranging from many flowers like the yellow rose, a fun and whimsical metal dog sculpture, and a rock arrangement that made me smile. Alamedans are very artsy!

Our friend Stefani has been very busy germinating tomato seeds for my backyard garden and had a few extra seedlings to give away. We (actually she and Joe) are gearing up for a major harvest of vegetables that will be donated to an organization that can distribute them to families that don’t have ready access to fresh produce.

Alameda Post - Tree survey

Alameda Avenue tree removal

Alameda Post - Alameda Avenue tree removed

Unfortunately, I have to report that Alameda lost another ancient street tree due to a deteriorating trunk. I was there to cover it from the initial scan to the grinding of the stump. See the process in pictures and video above.

Alameda Post - Happy Birthday Joe

Finally, I want to say Happy Birthday to Joe who works in the Encinal Market shopping complex. I hope he and all of you have a great week.


Mouf and his human companion can be reached via [email protected]. Their stories are collected at All photos by Jeff Cambra.

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