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Bear’s-Eye View of Alameda for January 21, 2024

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye Vew of Alameda for January 21, 2024. Mouf and his human companion appear on the cover of FAAS's Alameda Pet Guide

Did you happen to see who was on the cover of the new Alameda Pet Guide published by the Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter? Yep. It’s me! I was honored to be included with the “Inside Scoop” of all the dog-friendly places there are on the island. I am looking forward to exploring many of the locations and adventures listed in the guide and reporting on my experiences. If you haven’t seen it yet, there is a digital copy on the FAAS website.

Signal Installation

Last week, I covered the Encinal Avenue repaving and pedestrian safety crosswalk striping phase of the project. For this week’s report, I included a short video showing how the big poles and arms that hold the signals are installed. It was especially interesting to watch the workers pull the wire through and connect the signal boxes to the poles before lifting the whole pole into place. These guys know what they’re doing! It looks like the only remaining part of the project is to activate the new signals and take down the old poles.

Van DE Camp Windmill

While I was cruising around Encinal Avenue, I stopped by Encinal Market for a treat and noticed that the historic Van de Kamp’s bakery sign was lit up and the windmill was turning. A rare sight these days.

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye Vew of Alameda for January 21, 2024. Winter-blooming flowers

Although the weather was cold, wet, and gray, Mother Nature did her part to brighten up my walks with what I call the Winter Bloomers. There were daffodils, cala lilies, and many others bursting with color in Alameda yards.

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye Vew of Alameda for January 21, 2024. An orange growing on a tree

This is also the time of year for citrus to mature. Lots of lemon trees with fruit laden branches, and I also found an orange tree full of fruit.

Ambulance Chorus

I helped the Alameda Fire Department this week by letting people know that the medical unit was in the immediate area and to clear the way. It is a public service I am happy to provide.

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye Vew of Alameda for January 21, 2024. Walk By feature

I know there are many Alameda expats that are scattered all over world. I wanted to remind them about my Walk By service. If you email my human companion your former Alameda address at [email protected] or DM him on Facebook, I will be happy to do a walk by and take a picture of your former residence. In fact, if you have an old picture, I can even do a “Then and Now” feature.

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye Vew of Alameda for January 21, 2024. Freecycle jade plant

Another of our regular features that has been dormant over the past few months is Streetcycle. This is a program where I offer a free item that I found on the street to a fellow Alamedan in exchange for their donation to FAAS and the Emergency Medical Fund. This week, I am offering a mature jade plant in a pot that can go directly into the ground. Any takers?

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye Vew of Alameda for January 21, 2024. a group of signs asking people to clean up their dogs feces

Before closing, I want to remind all the human companions out there: it is your responsibility to pick up poop and bring it back to your own waste can. There are plenty of reminder signs in front yards, including one that dispels the myth that there is a poo fairy.

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye Vew of Alameda for January 21, 2024. A green poo bag on a green and white hydrant

Apparently, one resident didn’t follow the part of my message about taking the bag back to your own gray bin. Leaving a poop bag on a fire hydrant doesn’t count. However, you do get style points for the matching green bag on top of the green hydrant.

Please be sure you support all the wonderful businesses and organizations that welcome us canines and other appropriate pets.

Bear's paws

Mouf, Roving Reporter
Bear’s-Eye View of Alameda

Mouf and his human companion can be reached via [email protected]. Their stories are collected at All photos by Jeff Cambra.

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