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Voter’s Guide for the November 8 General Election

Election season is again upon us. Although the date set for the General Election is November 8, eligible registered voters in California are now receiving their vote-by-mail ballots. As with the June Primary, all registered voters will be receiving ballots by mail.

The Alameda Post does not endorse candidates or measures. Please visit our Alameda election news and information page to learn more about Alameda’s candidates and other local election news. We strongly recommend learning about the candidates and measures, carefully studying voter guides, and participating in campaign events before deciding.

Alameda Post - Voter's Guide for the November 8 General Election

On the November 8 General Election Ballot

A full list of candidates running in Alameda’s November 8 General election is available from The statewide Official Voter Information Guide is available as a downloadable PDF from We also recommend visiting Voter’s Edge California for a comprehensive, nonpartisan online guide to elections covering federal, state, and local races in the state of California. [Updated 10/13/22 11:52 a.m. to include Voter’s Edge.]

The last day to register to vote in the November 8 General Election is October 24, 2022. All California active registered voters will receive a vote-by-mail ballot.

Your General Election ballot will include:

  • Seven statewide ballot propositions.
  • Statewide candidates for U.S. Senate, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Controller, Treasurer, Attorney General, Insurance Commissioner, Member of State Board of Equalization, and State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
  • Candidates for U.S. Representative in Congress, State Senator, and State Assemblymember.
  • Supreme Court Justices.
  • Alameda County candidates.
  • City of Alameda candidates and measures.

You may return your ballot by mail in the included no-postage-necessary envelope (must be postmarked on or before Election Day), deposit it in a secure ballot drop box, or take it in person to a voting location or to the Alameda County elections office by 8 p.m. on November 8, 2022.

Visit the Alameda Post‘s Resources page to see all of Alameda’s current elected officials and other election information.

Where and How to Vote in the November 8 General Election

Once voters have filled out their ballots, they can deposit them in any of the 24-hour drop boxes across Alameda County until the polls close at 8 p.m., November 8. Alameda has three drop-box locations:

  • City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Ave.
  • Bay Farm Island Library, 2331 Mecartney St.
  • College of Alameda, 555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Pkwy.

If they choose, voters can return their ballots by mail, no postage required. Voters who are disabled, hospitalized, or home-bound can receive help receiving, marking, and returning their ballots.

One vote center in the city of Alameda will allow early voting starting Saturday, October 29, at the Central Baptist Church, 2133 Central Ave. The following Saturday, November 5, the county will open an additional five vote centers in the city:

  • 1st Congregational Church of Alameda, 1912 Central Ave.
  • Buena Vista United Methodist Church, 2311 Buena Vista Ave.
  • College of Alameda, 555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Pkwy.
  • Temple Israel Social Hall, 3183 Mecartney Rd.
  • South Shore Center Suite A, 2202 South Shore Center.

In the days leading up to November 8, voters may cast their ballots at any of these centers from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and may also register to vote, resolve any issues concerning ballots, or even receive a replacement ballot. The centers will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. on Tuesday, November 8, Election Day.

Alameda voters are not limited to depositing their completed ballots at locations in the City of Alameda; they can submit them at any of the locations in Alameda County listed on the website.

Make Sure Your Vote Counts

If you are not already registered to vote, visit Visit your Alameda County ROV Voter Profile to check your voter information, registration status, and polling place. The ROV also operates a 24-hour telephone hotline at 510-267-8683. If you register with the BallotTrax website, it will allow to track your ballot on its way to you and, once you have voted, to ensure your vote gets counted.

Dennis Evanosky is the award-winning Historian of the Alameda Post. Reach him at [email protected]. His writing is collected at

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