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Del Monte, Site A, Boatworks Progress

Planning Board approves Annual Reports of three major development projects.

At its June 27th meeting, the Planning Board reviewed the annual reports from developers of the Del Monte Development on Buena Vista Avenue, the Alameda Point Site A project, and the Boatworks development at the corner of Clement Avenue and Oak Street. The Board found all three developers in good faith compliance with the terms and conditions of their agreements.

Del Monte Development

Alameda Post - Clement Avenue extension behind former Del Monte building
A view of the newly-completed extension to Clement Avenue and the Cross Alameda Trail. City of Alameda photo.

The developers TL Partners (TLP) and Alta Buena Vista Owner, LLC (ABV) have restored and adaptively reused the historic Del Monte building at 1501 Buena Vista Ave. since executing their agreement with the City in 2015. The development, called Alta Star Harbor, includes approximately 380 apartments, lofts, and townhouses, with the first tenants expected to move in Fall 2022. Fifty-five units will be for affordable housing.

In addition to building housing, the developers contributed $2,000,000 to the development of Jean Sweeney Park and substantially completed a Clement Avenue Extension from Atlantic Avenue to Entrance Road. This new segment is a public roadway with two lanes of traffic, on-street parking, landscaping, brick-accented sidewalks, and two-way protected bike lanes.

The new protected bike lanes connect the existing segments of the Cross Alameda Trail (CAT) from Entrance Road to Jean Sweeney Park. Alamedans can now ride 2.5 miles on separated bikeways from the Seaplane Ferry Lagoon Terminal to Ohlone Way.

Alameda Point Site A

Alameda Post - Map of Site A at Alameda Point
This map from a City of Alameda presentation shows the different development areas at Alameda Point. Site A is highlighted in the center.

Alameda Point Site A is a $1 billion mixed-use, transit-oriented waterfront development on the former Naval Air Station Alameda. The project includes for-sale and rental housing, commercial and retail spaces, a full-service hotel, new parks, and a new ferry terminal with service to San Francisco.

Since entering its development agreement in 2015, Alameda Point Partners (APP) LLC has completed Phase 1 of its infrastructure plan, including installing a water system, curbs and gutters, and pavement. APP has developed five blocks of townhome and multi-family housing, such as Leeward at Alameda Point and Aero Apartments, and completed the Seaplane Lagoon Ferry Terminal. It has also completed the Neighborhood Park and Phase 1 of the Waterfront Park. Twenty-five percent of the housing that the developer is building is designated affordable.

Boatworks Development

An overhead view of the Boatworks. The developers are awaiting final permits to allow construction.

Alameda Boatworks is a 9.48-acre residential development project with plans for 182 housing units and dedicated park space along the water’s edge. It is at 2229 Clement Ave., just east of the Park Street Bridge.

Since May 2020, the developer has been working with the City to prepare infrastructure improvement plans and with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission to acquire the final permits for the waterfront improvements.

Traffic Abatement

Only one public member commented on the projects, asking what traffic abatement the City is planning for getting on and off the island. City Planning, Building, and Transportation Director Andrew Thomas responded that the City is focused on providing transit options.

The I-880 projections for traffic over the next twenty years are significant as the Bay Area continues to grow. Thomas said the Bay Area and the State of California are not widening freeways or building new automobile bridges; instead, the emphasis is on providing options besides the automobile.

For example, the City opened a new ferry terminal to San Francisco, and a new bus line runs from Fruitvale BART across the island to the new terminal, coordinating with the ferry’s schedule.

At last week’s City Council meeting, Council approved a contribution to a two-year pilot program, which the City hopes to have running by July 2023. This program will be a free public water shuttle running along the northern waterfront to get Alamedans across the estuary to Oakland, so they can ride their bikes or walk to downtown Oakland and BART.

In terms of automobiles, CalTrans and the Alameda County Transportation Commission are in the final design stage of the Broadway Jackson Interchange Project. The project will allow vehicles exiting the island through the Posey Tube to access the freeway directly rather than driving through Oakland Chinatown.

Final Vote

All present Planning Board members unanimously approved the annual reports for the three development projects.

Contributing writer Karin K. Jensen covers boards and commissions for the Alameda Post. Contact her via [email protected]. Her writing is collected at and

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