After more than a decade of planning and community engagement, construction on the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project will begin on Monday, January 27. The project is designed to enhance safety and reduce vehicle delays.

City of Alameda’s map for the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project.The full length of the project spans 1.7 miles, but the biggest impact to the public will occur during the construction of three roundabouts, which will be completed in phases to minimize disruption.
- Phase 1 (January-June 2025): Construction of roundabouts on Central Avenue and Third and Fourth streets will involve the closure of one westbound lane between Fifth Street and Pacific Avenue.
- Phase 2 (June 2025-January 2026): During this phase, construction will continue on the roundabouts on Central Avenue and Third and Fourth streets, with a single eastbound lane closed between Fifth Street and Pacific Avenue.
- Phase 3 (April 2026): Construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Central Avenue, Pacific Avenue, and Main Street will require the full closure of the intersection to through traffic. Detours will be established to direct traffic around the construction zone.
During Phases 1 and 2, full access will be maintained to Ballena Boulevard and Third Street south of Central Avenue. Pedestrian and bicycle access will be maintained throughout the project. For work outside the roundabout areas, at least one lane of travel will be open in both directions.
Significant safety improvements
Upon completion, the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project is expected to provide a range of improvements to help Alamedans walk, bike, and drive in the City more safely and with more confidence, including:
- Two motor vehicle travel lanes and a center turn lane.
- Alameda’s first three roundabouts, which have been proven to reduce collisions on high-injury corridors.
- A new bikeway for safer cycling.
- Enhanced pedestrian crossings.
- Bioretention units to capture and filter stormwater before it reaches the Bay.
- Accessible on-street parking.
- Improved bus stops.
The City’s Project Description & Budget Sheet and Project Concept Map are available online.