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Alameda’s Miniature Fairyland

Bear’s-Eye View of Alameda for September 11, 2022

I would be remiss if I did not mention the agony I and almost all my canine friends endured that past week with the heatwave that washed over Alameda. This will be one of my shorter reports due to the temp. And ’cause it’s almost Tuesday already, it is one of my later ones, too!

There were very few opportunities to get into the field since we implemented the Bear’s-Eye View 8/8 HEAT PROTOCOLS, which means that normal walks only happen before 8 AM and after 8 PM. I do take short “relief” walks on tree lined streets like Alameda Avenue to avoid the hot sidewalk

Miniature Fairyland at Central and Broadway

One of my “8” walks took me to the corner of Central Avenue and Broadway where I discovered a miniature fairyland among the landscaping. Not sure who curates this wonderful exhibition, but there is a small sign referring to an Instagram account under @Brianpoppyseed.

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye View for September 11, 2022 – follow miniature fairyland creator @brianpoppyseed on Instagram

I picked out a few of the hundreds of items that are set among the trees and other plants to give you some idea of what you can see. This activity is especially geared to the younger humans. I think three-year to six-year-olds would enjoy the excursion.

A11 Orange flower LR

A12 Lady Bug Tr LR

By the way, what is a Gumby?

Now that the weather has returned to normal (whatever that is in 2022), plan on visiting this corner and check out Alameda’s miniature version of the famous Oakland Children’s Fairyland.

OH! Don’t forget to look for the Snoopy on the tree as he pursues the evil Red Baron in his vintage Sopwith Camel, which I learned was not an animal, but rather an old airplane that had two wings.

Looking forward to getting back into the field next week.

Bear's paws

Mouf, Roving Reporter
Bear’s-Eye View of Alameda

Mouf and his human companion can be reached via [email protected]. Their stories are collected at All photos by Jeff Cambra.

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