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Alameda Islanders Earn Special Olympics Swim Honors

The Alameda Islanders brought home 10 first-place blue ribbons and four second-place red ribbons at the Special Olympics Oakland Invitational Swim Meet on Saturday, May 11, at Laney College in Oakland.

Alameda Post - a group photo of the Alameda Islanders and their coaches and supporters by the pool
Stephanie Ashby, Sara Alexander, Erica Jacob, Lauren Dare, Tanas Sliheet, and Danny Thach participated in the event. They are flanked by coaches Tyler Cobb, Susan Tremain and Lucy Huang, plus parents and mentors. Photo Patricia Bowen.

Other teams participating in the event were Team Oakland and the East Bay Buffaloes. The Oakland Fire Department volunteered as timekeepers.

The event started with opening ceremonies, finishing with the Special Olympics Athlete Oath: “Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” Lauren Dare, the most senior Special Olympian, carried the Olympic Torch.

Alameda Post - Alameda Islander athletes stand with their supporters, wearing ribbons
The Alameda Islanders took home lots of ribbons this year. Photo Patricia Bowen.

Coaches Tyler Cobb and Susan Tremain led the Islanders.  Tremain was recognized for her 48 years of service (and counting).

In a spirit of competition and sportsmanship, the Special Olympians competed in a variety of swimming skills and stroke events—assisted and unassisted swim, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly, and freestyle.

Alameda Post - Alameda Islanders coaches stand with an athlete holding an Olympic torch
Coaches Tyler Cobb and Susan Tremain stand with the most senior athlete, who has been in the swim program for 40 years. Photo Patricia Bowen.

In addition to their first- and second-place ribbons, each and every Alameda swimmer set personal best times.

Alameda is proud of our Special Olympians!

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