Call the police!
If you are the victim of a crime in Alameda, please DO NOT first post about it on social media—call Alameda Police Department (APD) immediately. Call 9-1-1 to report an in-progress emergency involving actual or threatened physical violence; report all other crimes to APD’s non-emergency number, 510-337-8340. Be prepared to answer the dispatcher’s questions and try to remember identifying details, such as vehicle make, model, and color; last three digits of a license plate; bumper sticker, missing hubcap, etc.

Recently, an elderly Alameda resident was followed home from a South Shore bank and robbed in his driveway. APD first learned of the armed robbery 48 hours later from social media posts by the victim’s family. Officers located the victim and took a police report, but they might have been able to apprehend the suspects and recover the victim’s money had the crime been reported immediately. Reporting crimes in real time also helps inform APD’s prevention strategy, including where to deploy additional patrols.
By contrast, in June, an Alameda resident and her two small children were carjacked by three individuals who, fortunately, allowed the woman to remove her children from the car before speeding off in her vehicle. The quick-thinking mother called 9-1-1 immediately, APD coordinated with neighboring police departments to track the stolen vehicle’s movements from Alameda to Oakland to San Francisco, and the occupants were apprehended in San Francisco one hour later.
APD Police Chief Nishant Joshi reminds residents that the City has invested in technology that helps police solve crimes, including license plate readers at all of our bridges and the Tube. Additionally, with timely crime reporting and leveraging technology, APD has seen crime drop consistently since December 2023. By reporting crimes immediately you help prevent others from becoming crime victims. Don’t give criminals a free pass—call APD!
Public Utilities Board needs engineer
Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) is Alameda’s community-owned, 100% clean, green electric utility. Founded in 1887, AMP is the oldest municipal electric utility in California and one of the oldest in the nation. The five-person Public Utilities Board (PUB) oversees the policies and operation of AMP.
The City Charter requires that, “One member of the Public Utilities Board shall be an electrical, civil, mining, or mechanical engineer.” At the end of September, the four-year term for this position will open. Interested qualified engineers can find more information and an online application at the City of Alameda website under the Your Government tab or by emailing the City Clerk’s office at [email protected]. Please submit applications by September 30.
Calling all poets
In 2002, the City Council established the position of Poet Laureate, an honorary title given to an Alameda resident who has demonstrated a passion for writing poetry and reading their work in the community. The Poet Laureate works with local cultural and educational organizations to encourage expression of creativity through the written word, and writes and presents original poems to commemorate significant City events.
Applications to serve a four-year term as Poet Laureate are being accepted during the month of September. The Poet Laureate is nominated by the Mayor with input from Library Board members and the Library Director, and confirmed by the full City Council. For more information please email Library Director Michael Eitner at [email protected] or Communications Director Sarah Henry at [email protected].
Looking for Alameda teens inspired by Amanda Gorman (the first National Youth Poet Laureate)!
In 2025, Alameda will have its first Teen Poet Laureate—a 14- to 19-year-old high school student who lives in Alameda and has demonstrated a passion for writing poetry and sharing their work. During a one-year term, the Teen Poet Laureate, similar to the (adult) Poet Laureate, will work with cultural and educational organizations to encourage creative expression through the written word, and create original works to commemorate significant City events.
If you, your student, friend, or family member would like to receive an application when they are available in April 2025, please contact Library Director Michael Eitner at [email protected] or Communications Director Sarah Henry at [email protected].
Report crimes to APD ASAP! Share your skills and talents with your City! Be Alameda Strong!
Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft is the Mayor of the City of Alameda. Reach her at [email protected].
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