To the Editor:
As one of the many thousands of Alamedans who regularly use the Posey/Webster tubes, it is hard to not notice their increasingly sorry state.
I recognize that CalTrans cleans them on a fixed schedule, but these cleanings are spaced so far apart that the walls turn black from all the vehicle exhaust and remain that way for an extended period of time before they are eventually cleaned. There is also significant accumulation of debris and litter at the Webster Tube entrance. In addition to the need for increased regular maintenance, the roof of the tubes remains unfinished (ever since the earthquake retrofit was completed in 2003).
Completed in 1928, the Posey Tube is the second-oldest underwater vehicular tunnel in the US (preceded only by the Holland Tunnel). Together with the Webster Street Tube, it is an integral part of Alameda’s rich history. We deserve our transport infrastructure to be maintained better and also be a source of pride in the rich history they evoke.
Srikant Subramaniam
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