For Thankgiving, we would like to acknowledge the contributions of hundreds of people who have made donations to the Alameda Post or joined our community as members in the last twelve months. Grants, sponsors, and individual donors of amounts over $5,000 are listed on this page. Our operations rely on these generous gifts to keep covering and publishing all the news and information that matters to our community.
Thank you to each and every one of you for demonstrating that you believe in the importance of local news!
If your name is not on this list and you would like to help underwrite our efforts to keep local news in Alameda, please visit to make a recurring or one-time contribution.
Again this year, we are participating in NewsMatch, a call-to-action to support nonprofit news organizations around the country. From now through December 31, NewsMatch and a coalition of local funders—including Radium Presents, Alice Home Care, Greer Family Mortuary, and Realtors® Liz Rush and Joe LoParo—will match your new monthly donation twelve times or double your one-time gift, all up to $1,000 per individual. We can earn up to $25,000 in matching dollars, which means the Alameda Post could raise $50,000 or more by the end of 2024. Thank you again for your support.
$1,000 or more
Jeff Atwood, Virgil Silver, Jennifer Linton, Daniel Kucera, Karen Boutilier.
$250 – $999
Luther Abel, Carol Alliger, Thushan Amarasiriwardena, Edward Atkinson, Charles Axthelm, Robert Barde, Judy Bartlett, Bethanye Blount, Joyce Boyd, John Brennan, JoAnn Brookes, Linda Bytof, Rachel Campos de Ivanov, Eric Case, Serena Chen, Anne Cook, Barbara Curtis, Diane Daley-Smith, Kathryn Danish, Brock de Lappe, Paul Doyle, Luzanne Engh, James Falaschi, Sheryl Fenstermacher, Gerald Flynn, Kathleen Fricke, Lawrence Fukuba, Reina Galanes, Melissa Godfrey, James Golden, Alison Greene, Rikki Henneman, C.J. Hirschfield, Craig Hotti, Matt Kellogg, Isaac Kos-Read, Bettina Leong, Jim Lovell, Kevin-Lori Lyde, Alys Mainhart, Brian McDonald, Joyce Mercado, Calvin Mew, Jerry Mitchell, Ronald Mooney, Arthur Peel, Lynn Perata, Rebecca Perata, Alexandra Petrich, K. Ratto, Anita Rees, Joe Restagno, Carole Robie, Anton Ross, Elizabeth Rush, Patrick Russi, Michael Schiess, Marilyn Schumacher, Gerald Serventi, Elizabeth Sibley, Margy Silver, Cherie Stueve, Linda Thurston, Bryan Tollin, Linda Vallee.
$100 – $249
Santiago Archila, Kevin August, Jennifer Ayres, Christine Bard, Janet Beatty, Dana Beirne, Leah Benedict, Anda Bockis, Robert Bonstin, Patricia Bowen, Nancy Brandt, Christopher Braun, Betsy Brazy, Charles Bret, Glenn Brewster, Ron Briggs, Joanne Broadbent, Pamela Brodie, David Brown, Kevis Brownson, M. Christine Buck, Steve Busse, Karen Butter, Paul Canavese, Linda Carloni, Penny Carlson, Robert Carlton, Carol Carroll, Lori Cassels, Alysa Chadow, Tina Chapot, Kevin Clark, Ken Cline, William Dal Porto, Joseph Dara-Abrams, Tony Daysog, Jason Dean, Gabriela delaRiva, John Dempsey, Victoria Dempsey, Tony Devencenzi, Patricia Devlin, J. Dietz, Barbara DiSalvo, Melinda Downing, Thomas Duncan, Katherine Dustin, Michele Ellson, Joyce Fahey, Selina Faulhaber, Leora Feeney, Suzanne Field, Priscilla Fife, Paul Foreman, William Francis, Susan Freeman, Dona Fuller, Bill Garvine, Robert Geissberger, Blackbaud Giving, Kenneth Gutleben, Karen Haines, Bridget Halberstadt, Dian Hale, Sally Han, Rachel Hanson, Helen Harris, Susan Hauser, Jonah Hendrickson, Neil Heyden, Nancy Hollister, Michelle Ingram, Kelley Jackson, Victor Jin, Philip Johnson, Kevin Kearney, Stacie Kizziar, Marc Klein, Donald Krause, Thomas Krysiakj, Denise Labarre, Lila LaHood, Bettie Lee Laird, Lorraine Land, Amanda LaThanh, Kristan LaVietes, Rose LeCount, Suzanne Lindsey, Vivien Lok, Joseph LoParo, Sharyn Loshakoff, Jennifer Lucky, Linda Maass, Allan Mann, Alvin Mao, Lisa Martin, Sharon Martinez, John McCahan, Patrick McCartney, Claire McConnell, Sheila McCormick, Mary McEachern, Vicki McPhaul, Ruth Mesing, Taryn Mickus, Renell Middlecamp, Chuck Millar, Karen Miller, Shubha Miller, Gale Mitchell, Maryanne Mock, Teresa Montanelli, David Moran, Maria Morse, Ruth Motter, Andrew Murdock, Madlyn Murphy, David Murray, Shipra Narruhn, Laurie Nemzer, Shivaun Nestor, Wendy O’Malley, Marina Ortega, William Pai, Barrett Parker, Karol Pessin, Robert Piehler, John Piziali, Kerry Plain, Steven Pollini, Burton Presberg, Kathleen Pryor, Brett Ramerth, Shirley Ramos, Dennis Reichert, Rosemary Reilly, Steven Reimer, Anne Rockwell, Roberta Rockwell, Nancy Rogers, Grace Rubenstein, Neil Rubenstein, Kathryn Sallade, Patricia Sanderson, Dawna Santos, Robert Schmidt, Robert Schneider, Pamela Schuur, Victoria Sedlack, Hans Siebert, Colleen Simeone, June Simmons, Eileen Simon, Nick Simpson, James Sorenson, Daniel StJohn, Eric Strimling, Robert Sullwold, Brandon Svec, Pattye Tobase, Brian Tobin, Georgia R. Turner, Charles Udell, Sherrie Van Tyle, Tyler Velten, David Vine, Faith Weber, Kathryn Weber, Matthew Wheeland, Ann Williams, Elisa Williams, Jean Wolslegel, Tina Yuen.
$50 – $99
Adele Aced, Paul Ackerman, Diane Alabaster, Jeanne Allen, Robert Ashworth, Cristine Baker, John Barhaugh, Philip Barry, Cynthia Berk, John Beyer, Ginger Bonnar, Michael Budd, Susan Caldwell, Karen Campbell, Cecilia CampbellNotar, Julia Capacci, Simon Carless, John Carnwath, Ann Casper, Richard Castrillon, Anita Cheng, Jennifer Cianciulli, Melanie Darling, Justin DeFreitas, Maria Ducey, Catherine Egelhoff, John Eichel, Louise Eilhardt, Todd Erickson, Brandon Estes, Ann Evans, Linda Farrow, Patricia Ferrari, Linda Flock, Ellen Florey, Colleen French, Christine Ganser, Delbert Gee, Debbie George, Maria Goodavage, Leslie Gradet, Leslie Graham, Sarah Grausz, Marlene Grcevich, Eugene Grealish, Judith Greden, Sandra Green, Ake Grunditz, Charlie Hale, JM Hashimoto, Jonathan Hilgart, Christine Hodson, Michele Holmes, Cindy Houts, Christine Huddleson, Karen Jackson, Harry Jacobs, Charles Johnson, Michael Kadel, Frederica Kapp, Frances Kawaguchi, Dolores Kelleher, Cybelle Kelley-Whitley, Teresa Kennedy, Jean Kepler, John Kepler, Mary Kiely, Giuntini Kimberly, Rita Koselka, Marla Koss, Christina Kotowski, Marie Kotowski, Virginia Krutilek, Matthew Kurtin, Camille Landau, Lynn Landry, Bruce Langley, Molly Laufer, Marla Lee, Nancy Lee, Nancy Lee, Arthur Lenhardt, Emma Levitt, Ann Levy, Sheila Lewellyn, Gaard Logan, Robert Louie, Donna M, Megan Mabry, Cynthia Macaitis, Heather MacLeod, Anna Maier, John Maiers, Mary Manning, Sandra Marder, Pauline Marx, Melissa Mayfield, Peggy McAnaney, Teresa McDaniels, Elizabeth McGaffey, Teresa Miller, Amy Miller, Randall Miller, Randall Miller, Judy Munsen, Anne Murphy, Minh Nguyen, David Nykin, Aisling O’Callaghan, Barbara Olival, Lauren Oliveira, Gregory Owens, J. Michael Parish, Patricia Peterson, Jan Peyrot, Linda Pirlot, Alan Pomeroy, Diane Quandt, Jim Quilici, Jeffrey Raz, Maureen Reid, Tracy Reigelman, Deborah Roach, Amber Ronzitti, Kimberly Rosales, Janet Rosati, Frances Rothstein, Catherine Rude, Melissa Sackett, Nancy Salamy, Cheryl Saxton, Jillian Saxty, Karen Scanlon, Joanne Schneider, Gladys Schwalm, Budd Seeley, Lou Sexton, Steve Shaffer, Marilyn Sharron, Wendy Shiraki, Leslie Siegel, Pamela Simmons, Margaret Souza, Karen Stanton, Sharon Stehr, Harriet Stranahan, Deborah Sullivan, Mary Takemoto, Michael Tarelka, Valerie Turpen, Kathleen Valerio, Susan Wainwright, Jacklyn Wallin-Baker, Kris Warrenburg, Emily Weil, Kay Weinstein, Scott Weitze, Lawrence Wexler, Carole Winkler, Patricia Yamashita, Richard Zarlow.
Other Gifts
Liubov Ananeva, Steven Ball, Laura Bernstein, Matthew Beyers, Elisabeth Boone, Shalom Bruhn, Tonia Cantrell, Linda Castellani, Jean Chen, Aaron Clements, Elaine Coleman, Bernard Coll, Jacqueline Cvar, James Daly, Maureen Davis, Robert Deutsch, Nancy Donald, Ronald Dunn, Huxley Dunsany, Carrie Ericson, Gloria Fong, Mary Foster, Judith Fruge, Joanne Fullagar, Leslie Gallagher, John Galloway, Mary Gambertoglio, Dorota Gasinska, Thomas Gately, Barry Gerharz, E Gilliam, Walter Grady, Ellen Green, Daniel Hoover, Tracy Huddleson, Judy Inman, William Jackson, Sherri Kelley, Edward Kenna, Andrew Lindemann, Alana Luchtman, Allegra Lundy, Barbara Luttringer, Cheryl Mann, Ligala Manns, Chase Martin, Kathleen Messer, James Mitchell, Sharmaine Moody, Susan Osanna, Laria Pippen, Heather Polley, Judith Pruess-Mellow, Juan Pumarino, Rachelle Resnick, Sally J. Richards, Patrice Ringo, Chris Roby, David Ross, Lee Sadeg, Georgiana Saxton, Liam Scott-Moncrieff, Linda Seaquist, Margaret Siegal, Shaun Spalding, Kathy Stiling, Jacob Strong, Dmitry Tegunov, Linda Thomas, Gayle Uchida, Kathleen von Martens, Wesley Warren, Penelope Washbourn, Liana Wilcox, Maggie Williams, Johanna Winzenread, Tanya Wodinsky, Shi Yeong.
Adam Gillitt is the Publisher of the Alameda Post. Reach him at [email protected]. His writing is collected at