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Add the Alameda Post App to Your Smartphone Home Screen

Although we make the contents of our website available in so many places around the internet, having the Alameda Post available directly from your smartphone’s home screen is a big time saver. Social media algorithms don’t always show all our followers every one of our posts. It can be a pain to open a browser window and find our bookmark or type in our web address correctly. That is especially true for people who are uncomfortable or unfamiliar with technology.

There is a way around this, however, making staying up to date with the content on our website a snap! You can just tap one icon to immediately see current Alameda news and information, right on your Android or iOS device. Below are instructions for Android users and iOS users to add the Alameda Post app to the home screen. Each takes four simple steps, which you can do yourself, or for the phone of a loved one who you’d like to keep informed.


Install Alameda Post app on Android devices

Alameda Post - Step one adding website to Android home screen.
Open in the Chrome web browser for Android.
Alameda Post - Step two adding website to Android home screen.
Select ‘Install app’ from the menu.
Alameda Post - Step three adding website to Android home screen.
Tap ‘Install’.
Alameda Post - Step four adding website to Android home screen.
App is now available as a home screen icon. Tap it to launch the Alameda Post website directly.

Install Alameda Post App on iOS devices

Alameda Post - Step one adding website to smartphone home screen.
Open in the Safari web browser for iOS.
Alameda Post - Step two adding website to iPhone home screen.
Select ‘Add to Home Screen’ from the menu.
Alameda Post - Step three adding website to iPhone home screen.
Tap ‘Add’.
Alameda Post - Step four adding website to iPhone home screen.
App is now available as a home screen icon. Tap it to launch the Alameda Post website directly.

That is all that it takes! Now your smartphone will have an Alameda Post app on the home screen that is just for Alameda news and information. We hope that you will benefit from this handy shortcut, and enjoy it as another benefit of the Alameda Post. Please let us know if you have any questions or troubles with this process or using our site as an app on your smartphone.

Adam Gillitt is the Publisher of the Alameda Post. Reach him at [email protected]. His writing is collected at

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