Traffic signal improvements will increase safety at five intersections
Cross Alameda Trail traffic signal improvements are scheduled to begin in mid-January on Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway and Atlantic Avenue at five intersections between Main Street and Wilma Chan Way, the City has announced. The changes will increase safety by reducing conflicts between drivers’ vehicles and people walking and biking on the Cross Alameda Trail. The project is scheduled to be complete in August 2024.
Intersections receiving improvements are Main Street, Third Street, Poggi Street, Webster Street, and Wilma Chan Way. Improvements include a variety of new bike signals, left and right turn arrows, and “no right turns on red” restrictions as needed to increase safety. In most cases, bicyclists on the Cross Alameda Trail will be automatically detected to eliminate the need for them to use push buttons.
Expect minor traffic disruptions along Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway and Atlantic Avenue during construction.
The project includes the installation of traffic signal poles and foundations, traffic signal and electrical equipment, street lighting, signage, pavement striping and markings, and accessibility improvements.
Construction work hours will be Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. During construction, motorists may experience minor disruptions in traffic, temporary loss of parking spaces, and noise and dust. Bus stop access will be maintained throughout the project.
“The City appreciates your cooperation and patience during this construction,” the announcement stated. For questions or further information about the project, contact Project Manager Trung Nguyen at the Public Works Department by phone at 510-747-7900 or via email at [email protected].