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Math Puzzle for November 15, 2024

Cracking coco nuts with the family station wagon at 70 MPH

Alameda Post - a math diagram that says it is not drawn to scale. On the circumference of a circle, points P and Q are noted. A line connects P and Q through the circle and creates a shaded region. At the middle of the line PQ, another line intersects it and makes a right angle. The intersecting line is labeled "d" and comes from the center of the circle O.

Points P and Q are located on the circumference of circle O.
The center of the circle is at point O.
Chord PQ is drawn from point P to point Q.
Chord PQ has a length of 777.699 meters.
The perpendicular distance d from the center O to chord PQ is 260.037 meters.
Find the area A of the shaded region.

A = _________ square meters

First correct answer sent to [email protected] wins a gift card for frozen treats, for two, at Tucker’s Ice Cream of Alameda.

Last week’s winner was Xavier Strand with Mass = 30 kilograms.

Jeff Smith is a former Math teacher and a retired US Navy Lieutenant Commander. Reach him at [email protected].

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