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Toto Too, Tripod Extraordinaire

Pet of the Week for November 23, 2024

When adorable, scruffy terrier Toto Too arrived at FAAS, she had a mass larger than a golf ball on one of her front legs. It was painful, but the scrappy 13-year-old didn’t let it get in the way of enjoying life as much as she could.

Alameda Post - photos of Toto Too, a small scruffy terrier with one leg missing
Toto Too took a celebratory trip to Mosely’s Cafe. Photos FAAS.

Unfortunately, the mass turned out to be malignant. Once it was determined the cancer hadn’t spread, FAAS staff worked quickly so veterinary specialists could take the next step—the leg had to be amputated while the cancer was still contained.

Toto Too had been in foster care, so after the surgery was performed by experienced veterinary specialists, she returned to their home.  Her fosters say she bounced back almost immediately.

She walks very well with just three legs, and seems delighted to be without that painful, dangerous lump on her leg.

Toto Too the Terrific Tripod

Toto Too adores humans but ignores other pets. So, if you’re looking for a bestie for your current pup or cat, she may not give them the warm fuzzies. But if you’re looking for a resilient, can-do dog who will brighten your day, she may well be the one.

To meet this terrific tripod, please call Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter at 510-337-8565 and they’ll help arrange a time to meet her.

Bonus: If you’re 62 or older, you can adopt Toto Too for free as part of FAAS’s Seniors for Seniors program!

Speaking of tripods, did you see that FAAS’s newly tripoded cat, Long John Silver, made it into Newsweek this week? We’re so proud of FAAS for taking such great care of the homeless animals who are lucky enough to be in their care, and for getting national attention for it!

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