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Dig Chip Pump

Bear’s-Eye View of Alameda for February 12, 2023.

Here we are in mid-February, and this past week brought some Alameda spring-like weather. The warmth of the sun during the day was great, but as soon as it went down, the air turned biting cold.

Cable installation

Tree Chipping

This report’s headline is about all the activity I saw on my daily walks. Encinal Avenue was especially busy with trench digging, tree trimming, and…

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for February 12, 2023 – markings on the street

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for February 12, 2023 – markings on the street

the folks marking the street for the new signals that are part of the CalTrans Encinal Avenue improvement project.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for February 12, 2023 – Encinal Avenue at Walnut Street

I plan to cover the intersection of Encinal Avenue and Walnut Street to keep folks updated on the construction.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for February 12, 2023 – inflatables on a front lawn that spell out I love U

Finally, is there any holiday that an inflatable hasn’t been made for? I did not see many house decorations for Valentine’s Day, but I was happy to see that canines and felines were appropriately represented.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for February 12, 2023 – decorated heart-shaped cookies

For you human companions, The Local coffee house located at the corner of Alameda Avenue and Park Street has a nice selection of V-Day cookies to go with your espresso.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for February 12, 2023 – fire trucks in front of Alameda Theatre

In other happenings, there was a big ceremony at the Alameda Theatre for the Alameda Fire Department graduates. The fire trucks out front were very impressive, but a little old. Hope the City will put some money in the AFD budget so they can buy some newer apparatus.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for February 12, 2023 – a rock painted to look like a strawberry

The folks at Alameda Island Rocks were busy this week, and I found someone’s strawberry rock in the Meyers House front yard.

Water pumping

While I was on Alameda Avenue, someone’s sump pump kicked in and dumped a bunch of water out onto the street. Apparently, these pumps and a French drain system are what keeps Alameda’s below-grade basements from flooding.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for February 12, 2023 – a car parked in a tow-away zone

In the “Dude! You got lucky” department, whoever forgot to move their car on the day those cable diggers were working is extremely fortunate that the car did not get towed.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for February 12, 2023 – freecycle of a dracena palm tree

For you plant lovers, I still have this Dracaena Palm available to a good home. Any takers?  We will deliver to any Alameda, CA address.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for February 12, 2023 – Walkby for Herbert Campbell

This week’s Walk By is for Herbert Campbell. He got a twofer in that he lived at 2045 Santa Clara Avenue until 1972 then moved to the 3261 address. I walked by both. Next week, my reporting will take me by Melissa Foster’s old house.

If you would like me to take a picture of your old Alameda house on one of my walks, just drop my human companion a line at [email protected]. He will get you on my walk list.

Today is Super Bowl Sunday, and I am hoping for extra special treats today and hopefully one of those very expensive commercials will feature a canine… preferably a Shepherd.

Hope you enjoyed the game.  GO EVERYBODY!

Bear's paws

Mouf, Roving Reporter
Bear’s-Eye View of Alameda

Mouf and his human companion can be reached via [email protected]. Their stories are collected at All photos by Jeff Cambra.

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