On Tuesday, November 19, the Alameda Rotary Club presented matching grants to nonprofit organizations to support the important services and support that they provide in our community. The grants were presented at a meeting at Trinity Lutheran Church, which provided its Fellowship Hall for the event.

The following nonprofit organizations received matching grants from the Alameda Rotary Club: Alameda Babe Ruth, Alameda Boys & Girls Club, Alameda Education Foundation, Alameda Food Bank, Alameda Meals on Wheels, All Good Living Foundation, Boy Scout Troop 1015, Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda, Dignity Moves, Dine & Connect, Feather House Foundation, the First Presbyterian Church of Alameda, Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter, Friends of Alameda Park & Recreation Foundation, Girls Inc. of the Island City, Midway Shelter, and Rhythmix.
The grants are “matching” because individual Rotarians can make a donation to a worthy nonprofit in our community and then have our club’s foundation “match” that amount to double their donation. Many Rotarians have previously volunteered for or otherwise supported these nonprofits and already have a special connection to them, but others have just come to their attention because of their good work in Alameda.
Attendees at the event commented on how wonderful it is that civic, religious, environmental, and other organizations that provide help to the hungry, animals, homeless mothers, recent immigrants, foster children, school students, local parks, music lovers, unsheltered persons, Boy Scouts, and more, could all come together to share their stories and shore up their budgets!
Alameda Rotary Club, whose motto is “Service above Self,” offers matching grants every year as part of its efforts to give back to the Alameda community.