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Alameda Goes Art Crazy

Bear’s–Eye View of Alameda for August 7, 2022

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye View for August 7, 2022 – installation of Becken by DeWitt Godfrey at Alameda Point

This past week was a big week for art in Alameda. The massive public art installation is going well out at the park adjacent to Seaplane Lagoon at Alameda Point. My good buddy and pup reporter L’il Dude covered the early phases of the installation. This is a very involved project and just the installation must cost a bundle!

Plein Air

As I reported, the Frank Bette Center Plein Air Exhibition was Saturday, and I was there to cover the event. Check out the video. I especially liked the color choices and textures Maria Santos Stefano used in her piece depicting a typical Alameda streetscape.

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye View for August 7, 2022 – Art by Maia Santos Stefano Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye View for August 7, 2022 – Art by Paul Feinberg

As we learned from Paul Feinberg in my last report, plein air means painting outdoors which is really challenging because the light is constantly changing, and the outdoor environment dries out the paints quickly. One needs to work fast or come back multiple days at about the same time. You can see some of Paul’s work in this report.

Tree trimming

This past week had a lot of major public works projects going on. Major tree trimming on Central Avenue continued with a major trim of the street trees to keep the branches away from the high voltage transmission wires.

Comcast trucks

Comcast had lots of trucks on Alameda Avenue performing maintenance and upgrades to the cable system. Yes, our internet was out for a few minutes, but I took my human companion out for a walk and it was back on when we got back.

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye View for August 7, 2022 – bike rack before and after

And speaking of public works projects, I want to recognize the City of Alameda PW Department for coming up with a permanent solution to the great bike rack destruction event that was going on in front of the Starbucks on Central Avenue at Park Street.

For several months, I watched the cars back up and bend the bike rack. It reminded me of slicing salami. It was looking like the bike rack was slowly being sliced away. Well, now there is a parking berm to stop all but the most aggressive drivers! Let’s hope it works.

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye View for August 7, 2022 – more bodacious bougainvilleas

Continuing on my Bodacious Bougainvilleas feature, this week’s entry must be the tallest Bougainvillea on the island. You can check it out while you pick up a cup of java at Spritzer’s on Encinal.

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye View for August 7, 2022 – juvenile turkeys

I came across the two fledgling turkeys on a late afternoon walk and noticed how big they were getting. Looks like they have lost all their fluffy feathers.

Alameda Post – Bear's-Eye View for August 7, 2022 – street cycle tree

This week’s Streetcycle offering has been around for a while now and needs to be planted in the ground quickly. It is definitely rootbound. As a bonus, you also get both the Spider Plant starters and the resident spider. If you are interested in the tree, please email my human companion at [email protected]. This tree is over 8’ tall so you will need to pick it up in an SUV or something bigger.

Alameda Post - Bear's-Eye View for August 7, 2022 - School ZoneFinally, if you would like me to take one of my daily walks past your former Alameda home and take a picture for you, let Jeff know by email, and I will include it in one of my reports.

Kids go back to school this week. Remember to drive slow and be alert, especially in school zones.

Bear's paws

Mouf, Roving Reporter
Bear’s-Eye View of Alameda

Mouf and his human companion can be reached via [email protected]. Their stories are collected at All photos by Jeff Cambra.

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