The City of Alameda has announced a number of vacancies on City boards and commissions and is soliciting applications from residents who would like to serve on the Boards and Commissions listed below. Full terms will commence July 1, and applications should be completed and submitted to the City Clerk by Thursday, May 11. Apply online or email the City Clerk at [email protected]. For more information, call the City Clerk’s Office at 510-747-4800.
Full terms commencing July 1:
- Civil Service Board: 2 vacancies (2 incumbents eligible for reappointment).
- Commission on Persons with Disabilities: 2 vacancies (1 incumbent eligible for reappointment).
- Golf Commission: 2 vacancies (2 incumbents eligible for reappointment).
- Housing Authority Board of Commissioners: 1 vacancy (1 incumbent eligible for reappointment).
- Library Board: 2 vacancies (1 incumbent eligible for reappointment).
- Planning Board: 2 vacancies (2 incumbents eligible for reappointment).
- Public Art Commission: 1 vacancy (1 incumbent eligible for reappointment).
- Public Utilities Board: 1 vacancy.
- Recreation and Park Commission: 3 vacancies (2 incumbents eligible for reappointment with one partial term).
- Social Service Human Relations Board: 3 vacancies (2 incumbents eligible for reappointment).
- Transportation Commission: 2 vacancies (2 incumbents eligible for reappointment).
The Civil Service Board meets quarterly on the first Wednesday of the month, at 5 p.m. The Board ensures competent and efficient personnel practices, impartial and competitive examinations, fitness- and merit-based appointments, and fair discipline.
The Commission on Persons with Disabilities meets the second Wednesday every other month in City Hall at 6:30 p.m. The Commission was formed to provide information and make recommendations regarding issues that affect people with disabilities to the City Council and to receive information regarding people with disabilities from the community at large.
The Golf Commission was established to advise the City Council on operational policies and fees for the golf facilities, including the Chuck Corica Golf Complex. The Commission meets the second Tuesday of every other month at 6:30 p.m.
The Housing Authority Board of Commissioners is the governing body of the Housing Authority. The Board establishes policies and advises on the programs for the development of assisted housing, and the maintenance, modernization, and revitalization of existing facilities. The Board of Commissioners meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Independence Plaza.
The Library Board meets the second Wednesday of odd months at 6 p.m. in Conference Room 224 at the Main Library. The Board is authorized to control and manage the Public Library System of the City, and establish and enforce rules and regulations necessary for the administration, government, and protection of the Library System and its property.
The Planning Board meets the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. The Board advises the City Council on all matters pertaining to the location, design, and modification of physical development in the City. A primary role of the Planning Board is the creation and maintenance of the City’s General Plan which defines the City’s future development policies and goals. The Board administers regulations related to physical development, including the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Environmental Guidelines.
The Public Art Commission (PAC) meets the third Monday of every other month, starting in April, in City Hall. The PAC was created to enrich quality of life through the provision of public art. The primary role of the PAC is to make decisions and recommendations to the City Council regarding the selection and installation of public art, and other matters relating to the quality, quantity, scope, and style of art in public places.
The Public Utilities Board (PUB) meets the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall or at Alameda Municipal Power. The PUB is responsible for the control and management of the electric enterprise owned by the City of Alameda. Duties of the PUB include: adopting an annual budget; setting prices for all services and products; contracting for the purchase of materials, supplies, services, or such other commodities necessary for operation; acquisition of rights-of-way and real property (by lease or purchase in the name of the City) necessary for its purposes.
The Recreation and Park Commission was established to advise the Recreation and Park Director, City Council, and Board of Education on all matters pertaining to the establishment and operation of community recreation programs, activities, and facilities. The Commission meets the second Thursday of each month in City Hall at 7 p.m.
The Social Service Human Relations Board (SSHRB) meets the fourth Thursday of each month, except for a combined November/December meeting on a different day due to the holidays, at 7 p.m. in City Hall. The Board was established to assess the social service needs of the community and to facilitate provision therefor; encourage the formation of private social welfare organizations; foster mutual understanding, respect, equality, and good will among community groups; facilitate the provision of social services in the community by informing private agencies of needs and areas of duplication of effort; disseminate information concerning programs and functions of social service and regulatory agencies; and report to the City Council the social service needs of the people.
The Transportation Commission meets the fourth Wednesday of every other month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. The Commission advises the City Council on City transportation policies through the development of transportation plans, including but not limited to the Transit Plan, Bike Plan, Circulation Plan, Pedestrian Plan, Ferry Plan, and Transportation Demand Management Plan. Via quarterly staff reports, the Transportation Commission shall monitor the implementation of approved transportation plans and policies.