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Fernside Boulevard Traffic Calming Public Workshops

The City of Alameda’s Fernside Boulevard Traffic Calming & Bikeways Project is preparing for its second round of public engagement, with multiple opportunities to share comment on design concept options for traffic calming, pedestrian improvements, and bikeways on Fernside Boulevard.

Alameda Post - the poster for the Fernside Boulevard Traffic Calming and Bikeways Project Community Workshop on June 5
Click to enlarge.

The main event will be an in-person workshop on June 5. Other options to provide input include a lunchtime virtual workshop on May 29, an online survey May 29 through June 19, and discussions at the Transportation Commission on May 22 and the Commission on Persons with Disabilities on June 5.

This project will create a design concept to update Fernside Boulevard from Tilden Way to San Jose Avenue, aiming to reduce auto speeds and increase safety and mobility for all road users, as well as develop design concepts to implement Active Transportation Plan bikeways. It will also work to develop a near-term striping update for Fernside from Tilden Way to High Street that can be implemented with pavement resurfacing.

The City’s first round of public outreach for comment on existing conditions and initial input on the project took place at a community workshop in December 2023, and at a Transportation Commission public hearing in January 2024. After evaluating public input on design concept options in May and June, the project team plans to seek approval of final design directions this fall.

Key documents, including public workshop slides, summary of public input, and related plans and policies are available on the City’s Fernside Boulevard Traffic Calming & Bikeways Project web page, along with information about project phasing.

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