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City Seeks Proposals for Cultural Public Art Grants

The City of Alameda has released a new Request for Proposals (RFP) for Cultural Arts and Arts Programming Grants. A total of $60,000 will be distributed across eight grants—four grants of $5,000 each and four grants of $10,000 each. Cultural arts or arts programming may include, but is not limited to:

Alameda Post - ODC/Dance performs at Island City Waterways: Uprooted
ODC/Dance performs at Island City Waterways: Uprooted, a 2022 event funded in part by a grant from the Public Art Commission. Photo Maurice Ramirez.
  • Performance arts: theatre, dance, music.
  • Literary arts: poetry reading and storytelling.
  • Film and video.
  • Screenings and installations.
  • Arts education.
  • Art lectures and presentations.
  • Special events: festivals and celebrations.
  • Artist-in-residence programs in the arts.

Cultural arts or arts programming must be accessible to the public at no charge and located in the City of Alameda.

Proposal Deadline: Thursday, March 20, 5 p.m. (must be submitted through

Although all nonprofit arts organizations, public agencies, and fiscally sponsored organizations are eligible, local organizations are particularly encouraged to submit proposals and will receive a point preference as part of the evaluation process.

The full Request for Proposals (RFP) is available as a downloadable PDF online.

The City will host a virtual RFP Orientation on Thursday, February 6, at 5 p.m. on Zoom. Registration and login information are available online. After the RFP Orientation, a video recording will be posted online.

Proposals will be evaluated by the Public Art Commission on April 14. Evaluation of proposals is expected to be completed during the April PAC meeting and then, if necessary, bring the grants to City Council to award in May or June. Please note, this timeframe is subject to change.

For more information contact Development Manager Jackie Keliaa at [email protected].

Other Grant Opportunities

ARTSFUND Grant Program

The Alameda County Arts Commision’s ARTSFUND Grant Program supports Alameda County nonprofit organizations that provide arts and cultural programs in the areas of visual art, dance, theater, music, literature, poetry, cultural events and traditions, and other related forms. The grant funds can be used to support programs, general administration, and operating expenses. The standard ARTSFUND grant award is $2,000 to $3,000. For more info, visit the ARTSFUND website. Deadline: Thursday, February 6, by 5 p.m.

Zellerbach Family Foundation – Together in Community

The Zellerbach Family Foundation Together in Community grants support fairs, festivals and other public gatherings and events that celebrate and uplift historically underserved communities, create opportunities to connect and share space, and articulate a meaningful cultural component and/or purposeful community engagement. Events must take place in Alameda, Contra Costa, or San Francisco counties. Grants are issued in $5,000 or $10,000 amounts to eligible applicants. Deadline: Monday, February 10.

Zellerbach Family Foundation – Community Arts Grant

Community Arts will award approximately $1 million in grants to individual artists and nonprofit arts and culture organizations in the Bay Area. Grants will be awarded in $5,000, $10,000 and $15,000 amounts. For more information, visit the Zellerbach Family Foundation’s Community Arts website. Deadline: Monday, April 14, 2025.

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