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Letter: Make Time for Public Comment

Open Government? I think not.

Alameda Post - a clock with gold details on a blank white wall. This letter to the editor describes the lack of time for public comment at the City Council Meeting [1]
To the Editor:

At the December 6th City Council meeting, there were 23 items on the consent calendar. Public comment was limited to two minutes, which amounts to 5.2 seconds per item if you wanted to speak on each item, as you are only allowed one chance to speak. Councilmember Spencer made a motion that since there were 23 items, each speaker would be allowed three minutes. This was supported only by Councilmember Daysog, so it did not pass. I understand the need to get through the agenda but not at the expense of the public being able to share their views with the Council. If the Council is not able to get through an agenda with the appropriate amount of public feedback, then perhaps more meetings should be scheduled [2].

Karen Miller

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