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Join Chief Joshi and APD in Supporting Special Olympic Athletes

On June 22, members of the Alameda Police Department, led by Chief Nishant Joshi, will carry the “Flame of Hope” through the City of Alameda in support of Northern California Special Olympic Athletes. Some members of APD are current or former coaches/volunteers for Northern California’s Special Olympics.

Alameda Post - an athlete with a medal around their neck flexes and smiles
A previous medal winner. Photo Facebook/APD.

Each year, members of APD participate in Northern California’s Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR) to raise money and awareness for the Special Olympics and its programs. This year, APD has already raised more than $1,500 to support 14 athletes for a whole sports season. The more they raise, the more athletes they can support. To donate, please visit the APD page on the Law Enforcement Torch Run website and click or tap “DONATE.”

LETR is the largest public awareness vehicle and grass-roots fundraiser for Special Olympics. Known honorably as Guardians of the Flame, law enforcement members and Special Olympics athletes carry the “Flame of Hope” on its journey to the 2023 Special Olympics Northern California Summer Games in June. APD will join hundreds of law enforcement personnel and from around Northern California in relaying the Flame of Hope through our communities. The flame symbolizes courage and celebrates diversity, uniting communities around the globe.

The County of Alameda’s Special Olympics program proudly offers training and competitions for athletes in 11 sports. If you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering or becoming an athlete, please visit the Special Olympics web page for Alameda County.

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